Name 名字 : TingTing-婷婷 【2070】
Age 年龄 : 25 Years Old
Height 身高 : 165cm
Weight 体重 : 50KG
Boobs 胸围 : 34B
Area 地区 : NORTH/北部
Location 地点 : North Area 北部地区
Damage 价格 : S$100/60mins/Massage+HJ
Mobile 电话 : 8357 4216
Please tell me 【SGHarem 后宫网】 see.
Please Only Pay After Seeing The Real Person.
婷婷温柔,细心,微笑的时候让人特别舒服,服务很好。她更会调情,她喜欢投入,你可以感觉到她把你当成男朋友一样对待。Tingting is gentle, considerate, and makes people feel comfortable when she smiles. She provides good service. She is also good at flirting, she likes to be involved, and you can feel that she treats you like a boyfriend.
Comments Are Subject To Individuals (Escort Herself Can Also Post Comment)
评论仅代表个人意见 (女孩本人也可能发布评论)