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Escort XinXin-欣欣 【1989】 Cover Image
比亚龙女孩更年轻 漂亮 性感 在线约炮

Name 名字 : XinXin-欣欣 【1989】

Age 年龄 : 24 Years Old

Height 身高 : 156cm

Weight 体重 : 43KG

Boobs 胸围 : 34D

Area 地区 : West/西部

Location 地点 : Lakeside 湖畔

Damage 价格 : S$120/60mins/Massage+1HJ

Mobile 电话 : 9084 6661

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Comments Are Subject To Individuals (Escort Herself Can Also Post Comment)
评论仅代表个人意见 (女孩本人也可能发布评论)

2025-2-17 Z Says:

Looks better in real life
Very quiet and discreet place
Chatty and try her best to service you thru out the session
Since she is relatively new, her command of our languages might not be the best,still able to hold convos
Like the bro previously mentioned, respect her boundaries and treat her with respect and she will take good care of you.

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2025-2-9 Happy Says:

Not a guy who revisits. But have revisited 4 times to date. Really amazing girl that I recommend every bro to try. But please, respect her boundaries and treat her with respect and she will take good care of you.

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2025-1-18 J Says:

Looks: 9/10
Massage: 10/10 (can be harder but it was enjoyable)
Body: 10/10 (fantastic tits and sweet slappable ass)
Sensual: 10/10 (nice and slow man man, man man)

Location is easy to find but there’s a lot of people going back and worth. Would be great if can enter and exit from the back. A lot of parking spots but need to take bus if foot warrior.

Reached location 10 minutes early and was welcomed by XinXin. First impressions are good. a compact body, her clothes help her amazing figure.We talked throughout the session and I think we had a good time. The massage is decent.

Turned around and she went at it. Unfortunately no full nudity, but got to play with her lovely tits. It was fun teasing her and sucking her nipples like there’s no tomorrow. I tried to last as long as I can but saw that time was running out so I blew it with her on top of me while grabbing her ass.

10/10 promised to visit again. May convert to regular as the location is good for me but upgraded services confirm plus chop will be regular because I very horny. Keep it up!

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2025-01-16 Rich lim Says:


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2025-1-11 Dude Says:

Big natural boobs, confirmed.
Actual look, no photoshop.
Good sensual massage.
No touch bottom though.
Pls show respect to sweet sister lah.

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